Are there any community gardens or urban farms in savannah, georgia?

The City of Savannah recognizes community gardens as valuable recreational and educational activities that can contribute to community development. City of Savannah - Community Gardens Savannah Community Garden Calendars FacebookSavannah Urban Garden Alliance.

Are there any community gardens or urban farms in savannah, georgia?

The City of Savannah recognizes community gardens as valuable recreational and educational activities that can contribute to community development. City of Savannah - Community Gardens Savannah Community Garden Calendars FacebookSavannah Urban Garden Alliance. Center Parc Credit Union recognizes the important role of community gardens in increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables, providing and improving local green spaces, and encouraging all community members to engage in physical activity through gardening. The Savannah State University Community Garden is a place for students, faculty, and staff to come together to meet new people, grow healthy food, and enjoy a peaceful break from everyday stress.

Savannah Urban Garden Alliance (SUGA) was founded to facilitate the growth and spread of urban gardens in the Savannah area and to increase access to and knowledge of urban gardening practices. The vision of the Savannah Urban Garden Alliance is to provide access to healthy, local food, one garden at a time.